
Triple-Seal Snap-Top Specimen Transport Containers

flip top and lock triple seal vials triple seal snap top specimen transport container

Introducing the world first leakproof, airtight, snap-top specimen containers for multiple laboratory applications. The built-in triple-seal design on the lid provides a leakproof, airtight construction ideal for pathology laboratories, transporting wet samples and storing (wet) samples. The permanent hinge and the snap-top design allows for one-hand opening and closing. Molded of translucent polypropylene. Available in a variety of sizes from 47 to 250ml. Additional locking latch for secure transport is available on the 120 & 250ml vials. All vials have a write on area for identification.


 货号 规格 
 12950-60 三重密封样品瓶,47ml, 23 x 84mm,600个/盒
 12950-90 三重密封样品瓶,70ml, 33 x 70mm ,400个/盒
 12950-75 三重密封样品瓶,90ml, 50 x 50mm ,400个/盒

带锁扣的三重密封样品瓶,120ml, 43 x 90mm,250个/盒

 12950-240 三重密封样品瓶,250ml, 75 x 75mm,150个/盒

带锁扣的三重密封样品瓶,250ml, 75 x 75mm,140个/盒